Sunday, 6 December 2009

In the hour of darkness a light will shine

I'm stunned.

Out of the blue I have received an email from someone with the name of Tearle! It is a real heart in the throat moment when you get an email come in where you have no idea whatsoever who has sent it, only that you can see their name and the title of the message. That was enough to get me right on the edge of my seat. It turns out that there is a web-based group centered around this unusual surname. I have applied to join and will now have to wait and see!

1 comment:

Richard Tearle said...

Hi there - my name is Richard Tearle and I am the the brother of Barbara whose mail you refer to here. I hope the group is living up to expectations....Some news for you - this is the year of the 3rd TearleMeet at Stanbridge Village. The date is scheduled for 17th July, but this has to be confirmed as yet. We hold it every 2 years and we have had between 50 and 70 visitors - many from overseas - at the last 2 occasions. You will be more than welcome if you can make it - watch the group for further announcements
Richard Tearle